Your Involvement is Important!

Get involved as an individual, or involve your congregation...

Congregations or organizations can learn how to join BUILD by having their pastor, priest, rabbi, imam, leader or member get in touch with our organizing staff. This work is relational, and one of our organizers will want to meet with your leader 1:1 to get to know your congregation and to explain the BUILD process. Individuals get involved through the justice networks in their congregations. If you are not affiliated with a congregation, contact us anyway! Many member congregations will gladly have you join their justice network without being a member of the congregation. Please reach out to us via telephone or email at 859-367-0152 or

P.O. Box 21874

Lexington, KY 40522


Get in touch!

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 21874
Lexington, KY 40522

Office Number: 859-367-0152



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